Thursday, October 28, 2010

Van Insurance Comparison tactics for cheaper cover

Experts always say that no two policies will ever be exactly the same, and that’s especially true when new cheap van insurance comparison companies are flooding into the market.

So what should you do if you want a great quote for your van (or vans!) this year? The first thing is to feel good about the vehicle you drive. Small business advisers say most of the van owners accept the first (expensive) insurance quote they are offered because they swallow the ‘white van man’ persona and assume that they will be treated as high risk motorists.

But the white van man stereotype just doesn’t ring true. The RAC was the first to disprove it back in 2005. It did the most definitive piece of research yet into different road users and found out that van drivers were pretty much the safest on the road. It said the average van driver has a clean driving license and goes five years without making a claim. Just 12% of van drivers claim on their motor policies each year the RAC found, compared to 28% of car drivers. More than five years on and the RAC says the story is still the same.

Other recent surveys confirm that van drivers are still far more careful than car owners. Tesco's new camper van insurance UK branches says one in five camper van drivers have been on an advanced driving course or have had some further driver training, such as the IAM (institute of advanced motorists). More importantly the insurer says van drivers also make fewer and smaller claims than car owners.

When you think about it, the reasons for the low claims rate are obvious. Self employed people who crash or damage a van can lose their livelihood as well as their wheels until it's back on the road. So they’ve got more reason than most to stay safe. Insurers say van owners are also more likely to look after their vehicles to make sure they can get to jobs on time. If you advertise on the side of your van you’re also likely to want it to look good to win more business. It all means van owners shouldn’t put up with expensive insurance prices or hefty penalties in their policy terms and conditions.

Getting a better policy will only take a little bit of your time. Drivers do need to put an hour or so aside for some serious shopping around, though happily you may do most of it online at a time that suits you. Most of the big insurance names already mentioned give no obligation prices on their websites. Several like Tesco, Budget, Swinton and Endsleigh will do some of this shopping around for you. They find a better prices from a panel of other insurers so the more of those you contact the more of the market you are covering. But the direct players like Direct Line are worth checking for comparison purposes as well. Some van insurance comparison websites have also improved van insurance quote facilities this year and are worth a look. The comparison sites show that an hour or so comparing policies is time well spent - there is often several hundred quid amongst the cheapest and most expensive prices. Save that money and you may spend it on advertising to win some extra business for the year ahead.

Like most insurance it’s important to remember that in some cases you do only get what you pay for though - the lowest prices may not offer you all the insurance you need. So check the policy terms carefully before signing up.

it is also worth remembering that for all the positive news about van drivers and insurance the outlook can be pretty difficult if things go wrong. After surveying the market, Churchill has been highlighting the number of vans that are damaged or broken into each year. It says that however clear you make it that tools aren’t left in your van overnight you may still be a target from opportunistic thieves.

 So you need a policy which will repair any damage and insurance that will hopefully replace anything that has been lost as soon as possible if you are a victim.

Churchill is also making the point that van drivers tend to work their vehicles a lot harder than car owners. That’s why vans are involved in around 10 per cent more breakdown cases than cars. Opting not to have a very good roadside repair policy can be a false economy, especially if your van is ever taken over to Europe where it can be out of commission for a lot longer if you want to pay to bring it back yourself after an accident or breakdown. Camper van insurance is also invaluable if you're taking your VeeDub to the continent.

Finally - just because you got a great quote last year doesn’t mean you should stick to your current insurer when your renewal date comes up. Premiums can often soar in a second year and you may save by shopping around van insurance comparison sites yet again and starting a new policy with a rival company.